Introduction - how this blog works

The idea of this blog is to share some of my favourite bits of mountain biking with the world. Principally so that you too can enjoy the bits I've enjoyed. And avoid the bits I've hated. So many people have given us advice on biking since we started - what bikes to buy, where to ride, how to ride. So this is my chance to feed a bit back to that body of knowledge.

I'd really welcome your comments - what have I raved about that you thought was awful? What gems did I miss when I visited your local riding spot? Is a bit that I said was awful actually sweet singletrack in the summer or when you're riding well? Comments will help this resource be improved for all readers, and also give me some hints as to where to ride next!

I've written a load about what we've ridden over the last year, and grouped it geographically. My plan is to add to it in the future, hopefully using the tags to keep each region together, though I haven't quite worked out how it will work yet. I may just need to start all over again in a year to keep things organised more sensibly - I'm not really sure a blog is the most sensible format - but it seems the best for me as I'm not terribly motivated to learn any more code than the day job necessitates.

Sunday 15 May 2011

The Ciaran Path

Readers of MBR will be familar with the descent of the Ciaran Path into Kinlochleven, named their "Trail of the Year". We accessed the top by climbign the access road on the south side of the River Leven to Blackwater Reservoir. Eventually we realised that after 201605 the flat concreted pipes made for easier ascending than the loose undulating track - we were clearly not the first bikes to do so! Crossing the dam was easier than we imagined as although there is a fence to stop you doing so it is low not spiky. From the dam's northern end you follow singletrakc alongside more pipeline until the start of the Ciaran Path at 245608. The first part is ok - neither spectacular nor unpleasant. Then it gets loose - really loose, and massive rocks than you need speed to pass over. Think Chapel Gate (as was...) or Cavedale, but much longer. Occasionally it lets up, but not for long. There are two steep bedrock corners into river crossings, but these have massive exposure. There are two other worthwhile bits of bedorck riding. Then it starts going up! Fianlly the valley opens out and the last couple of kilometres were probably pleasant but by that stage we were too p*ssed off to enjoy it properly. P*ssed off with ourselves - for not being good enough riders to conquer the trail, p*ssed off with MBR for going on and on about how amazing this trail is, and p*ssed off with ourselves (again) for thinkign that confidence on trail centres equated to an ability to ride natural trails. It took us as long to descend as it did to climb, at one stage I got caught up by some walkers. In summary, I cannot recommend this trail unless you are much much better than me! (And still, Scotland must have better hard trails to offer?)

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